Hur fungerar kommunikationen mellan FeedCon® och Nordic Gamekeeper-appen?

Claes Uppdaterad av Claes

  • The FeedCon® system updates its settings and receives data every six hours by connecting to the server.
  • Changes made to the feeding program in the Nordic Gamekeeper app take effect at the next synchronization.
  • In the app, you can easily see when the next synchronization is scheduled for your device. To view the next synchronization time, log in to the app and select your FeedCon device. The app will display the time of the next synchronization.
  • If an error occurs, such as the motor stopping or not functioning properly, FeedCon® will immediately send a notification via email and in the app.

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact our support team.

Kunde vi hjälpa dig?

Hur kopplar jag samman min Nordic Gamekeeper Cloud Camera med min redan installerade FeedCon®?

Om jag vill testa min FeedCon® i fält, hur gör jag det?
