What should I do if my Cloud Camera does not follow my settings or commands via the app?

Claes Updated by Claes

If your Cloud Camera does not seem to follow your settings or commands via the app, it might be stuck in a connection mode and has not retrieved 100% of the configuration. Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Set the camera to the "OFF" mode.
  2. Disconnect the power from the camera. Wait for 1 minute.
  3. Reconnect the power.
  4. Set the camera to the "TEST" mode and wait until all 4 LED lights turn on and blink simultaneously.
  5. Change the camera from "TEST" to "ON" mode.

If this does not solve the problem, the camera's firmware might need an update. For instructions on how to update your camera's firmware, see here: How do I update the firmware on my Cloud Camera?.

NOTE: It is important to always set the camera to "TEST" mode when setting it up in its place and let it connect (all 4 LED lights blink in "TEST") before setting the camera to "ON".

How did we do?

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How do I update my Cloud Camera® firmware?
