What does the "Battery low" alarm mean?

Claes Updated by Claes

The "Battery low" alarm indicates that the battery level of your feeder is running low and needs attention. This alarm specifically refers to the battery that powers your FeedCon & feeder.

When you receive a "Battery low" alarm, it's important to take immediate action to ensure uninterrupted feeding operation. Here are the steps to address this alarm:

  1. Charge the feeder battery: If the battery level is low but not critically low, connect the feeder to a power source using an appropriate charger. Allow the battery to charge fully until it reaches a sufficient level for normal operation. Follow the recommended charging guidelines provided by the manufacturer.
  2. Replace the feeder battery: If you have been experiencing frequent "Battery low" alarms despite charging, it may be necessary to replace the feeder battery.
  3. Ensure proper battery maintenance: To prevent future "Battery low" alarms, it's important to maintain the battery properly. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for battery care, such as avoiding extreme temperatures, using the correct charging method, and periodically checking the battery health.
  4. Install a solar panel: Consider installing a solar panel. By doing so, you can extend your battery time and prolong its lifespan.

By addressing the "Battery low" alarm promptly and taking appropriate action, you can ensure that your feeder continues to operate smoothly and reliably without any interruptions caused by a depleted battery.

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