How do I deactivate the AI feature on my Cloud Camera?

Claes Updated by Claes

Deactivating AI Image Recognition on Your Camera

To deactivate AI image recognition on your camera, follow these steps:

  1. Open the app:
    • Start the Nordic Gamekeeper app and log in with your credentials.
  2. Select camera:
    • Choose the camera you want to deactivate AI image recognition for from the list of available cameras.
  3. Go to settings:
    • Go to the menu and select "Settings" for the chosen camera.
  4. Change image resolution:
    • Navigate to "Upload image resolution".
    • Select a resolution other than "AI 2560x1440p". For example, you can choose "1920x1080p" or any other available resolution.
    • Tap "Done" to confirm your selection.
  5. Save changes:
    • Tap "Save" to apply the changes.

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