What does the "Payment for subscription failed due to bank declined" alarm mean?

Claes Updated by Claes

The "Payment for subscription failed due to bank declined" alarm indicates that the payment for your subscription was not successful because your bank declined the transaction. This alarm is triggered when the bank denies the payment request from Nordic Gamekeeper.

There could be several reasons why the bank declined the payment:

  1. Insufficient funds: If there are not enough funds in your bank account to cover the subscription fee, the bank may decline the payment. Ensure that you have enough funds in your account to complete the transaction.
  2. Card restrictions: Your bank may have placed restrictions on your card that prevent certain types of transactions or transactions with specific merchants. Contact your bank to verify if any restrictions are in place and if they can be lifted.
  3. Suspicious activity: Banks have fraud protection measures in place, and if they detect any suspicious activity on your account or the transaction, they may decline it. Make sure to inform your bank in advance about the transaction to avoid any potential issues.

To resolve the "Payment for subscription failed due to bank declined" alarm, you can take the following steps:

  1. Verify funds: Ensure that you have sufficient funds in your bank account to cover the subscription fee. If necessary, deposit additional funds into your account before attempting the payment again.
  2. Contact your bank: Reach out to your bank's customer support to inquire about the declined payment and understand the reason behind it. They can provide specific information and guidance on how to resolve the issue.
  3. Update payment method: If the declined payment was due to a specific card or payment method, consider updating your payment method with a different card or alternative payment option that is accepted by your bank.
  4. Retry the payment: Once you have addressed any issues or concerns with your bank, attempt the payment again through the Nordic Gamekeeper platform. Ensure that all payment details are accurate and up to date.

If the issue persists or you require further assistance, it is recommended to contact the Nordic Gamekeeper support team. They can provide additional guidance and support to help resolve the payment failure and ensure uninterrupted access to your subscribed services.

By following these steps and working with your bank and Nordic Gamekeeper, you can resolve the "Payment for subscription failed due to bank declined" alarm and ensure the successful processing of your subscription payment.

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