What does the "The motor is jammed" alarm mean?

Claes Updated by Claes

The "The Motor is jammed" alarm indicates that the motor in your feeder is experiencing increased load or resistance during operation. This can occur when there is an obstruction or blockage in the feeding mechanism.

Possible causes for the "Motor is jammed" alarm may include:

  1. Incorrect calibration: If you calibrated your feeder when the container was empty and then filled it, this will the motor to experience increased load when you refilled the feeder.
  2. Blockages: There may be objects, such as branches or debris, that have become stuck in the feeding mechanism, causing a blockage or obstruction.
  3. Feed clogging: The feed may have clumped or compacted, leading to heavier load on the motor as it tries to dispense the feed.

To address this alarm and resolve the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Inspect your feeder: Examine the feeder and look for any blockages or obstructions. If you find anything blocking or getting stuck in the feeder, remove it to resolve the issue.
  2. Empty the feeder: If the feed in the container has clumped together, you may need to empty the container completely to clean and dry the interior.
  3. Check for mechanical issues: Test moving the spreader plate and ensure that it rotates smoothly without resistance or irregularities. Adjust or clean it to ensure the motor can operate smoothly.
  4. Correct the calibration: If you calibrated your feeder when the container was empty and then filled it, this can cause the motor to experience increased load when you refill the feeder. In that case, you may need to recalibrate the feeder with feed in the container to avoid load-related issues.

By following these steps and addressing the cause of the "The motor is jammed" alarm, you can restore normal operation of your feeder and ensure optimal performance.

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